Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Not So Nice Day For A White Wedding...

I've been engaged for over a year and have been doing as much research as possible to plan and have a memorable wedding. The one day that I and every other woman has dreamed of since childhood and the one day I look forward to telling my children and grandchildren about years down the road and reminiscing about with my future husband. We all know that on a day like a wedding, we all must carry ourselves with dignity and a sense of propriety, no matter if you're merely a guest, a member of the bridal party or a staff member like the DJ or one of the servers for the reception.I unfortunately found these "gems" that were the complete opposite of dignity, propriety and possibly pride. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the traditional old-school type, but I still believe that some decorum should be followed on such a momentous occasion like this.

That should've been saved for the wedding night. If that woman in black is the mother of the bride, I don't blame her for trying to hide her face. I would be embarrassed to walk down the aisle in that. Might as well go to the wedding naked.

I'm a bit on the Rubenesque side and I have nothing against big girls, but good Lord! I can see one of her "girls" is making an escape and I'm seeing more rolls than the Pillsbury doughboy!

I'm not sure who designed this number, but this is another no-no. Good for a white party at South Beach or for amateur's night at club Cheetah, but not for a wedding.

I'll admit, the veil looks nice along with the train and shoes. The dress and gloves are a different story. It's cool and all to be creative and incorporate something you're passionate about, but to use that on the wedding gown is just plain tacky.

Moral of the Story: Choose your wedding attire wisely,because hindsight is 20/20. You may think it looks cute now, but when you look back at the pictures later you'll say "Ugh, what was I thinking?!!".

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